Sept 4, 2024

This year, we proudly hosted the Sandlander FatBike Partner Relay once again! Originally, this event was created to give those without a FatBike the chance to experience fatbiking on sand during the summer, partnering riders with friends or newcomers. Since then, the event has sparked a boom in fatbiking, with more and more riders owning their own FatBikes—a true success! We still encourage the “fat-curious” to rent or team up with a seasoned rider and give it a try.

The race takes place at the Saskatoon Track N Trails motocross park. We coordinate with the club to ensure safety for both moto and pedal riders, although we don’t ride directly on the motocross track. Instead, we stick to some of the park’s older, unused sandy trails. Each lap spans about 3.5 km and offers a fun mix of sandy singletrack, light climbs, whoops, berms, and double-track.

As always, everyone had an absolute blast, topped off with a social gathering around the fire at Crossmount Cider Company. Missed out? Don’t worry! We’re planning to bring this event back and possibly add more dates, as the motocross club enjoyed seeing these underused trails come to life with fatbikers.