Global Fatbike Day 2020 (Virtual Edition)

Global Fat Bike Day for 2020 is Saturday Dec 5th. Due to Covid there will be no mass start and we have decided to spread it even more and do it over a week instead of a day. A number of course suggestions have been provided and you can earn badges toward Certification as a Saskie Fat Bike Enthusiast.

The event is Free but we do require any who are not currently Sask Cycling Association Members to download, sign and return the waiver below and then further event, course, and badge information will be emailed to you.

If you are currently a Fatlanders Fat Tire Brigade/SCA member then you will receive an email with further event information. Please be sure you signed and updated the new covid waiver on ccn registration system

Please undertake this as a solo challenge or keep any groups to your small riding bubble and follow all Covid social distancing (now 3m for cycling) and safety precautions.

Email the completed waiver to GFBD(at)fatlanders(dot)bike